Crazy, I am? Go suck on some Spam!
I’m as sane as you, you big fat ham!
I’ve got lots of sense…
I’m not dense.
But I must admit...sometimes I’m tense.
What you mistake for insanity
Is something unique, known only to me—
I hear better than others, don’t you see?
So keep that in mind as I tell my story.
I loved the old man, I loved him—I did!
No father was ever loved more by his own kid.
But he had a weird eye,
So he had to die!
At midnight I stuck my head in his door,
But was rewarded with nothing but the sound of his snore.
Eight times I did this, stealthy and sly,
I’m a criminal genius, I tell you no lie!
But on the eighth night, I caught him awake!
He lay in his bed, and man, did he shake!
“Who’s there? Who is it” he asked with a shout,
And murmers of terror he did sputter and spout.
I aimed my lantern right at his eye—
That evil, vulture eye. He had to die!
But suddenly there came to my ear
A rhythmic sound I strained to hear.
Ker-thump, ker-thump, blippity-bump,
I tried to swallow, but my throat had a lump.
The old man’s heart went bippity-thump,
And he let out a shriek as I made my jump.
I soared through the air with the greatest of ease,
And I grabbed his throat, and like a vise I did squeeze.
Ker-thump, ker-thump, bippity-bump,
The old man’s heart soon ceased its pump,
And I knew that the body I would have to dump.
I released my grip and I grabbed a sharp knife
And I cut up the man I had deprived of life.
I sliced off his head, his legs and his nose,
I cut off his fingers and all of his toes.
I pried up the floorboards and in I did slide
The body parts that I needed to hide.
I fixed the floor, and I started to clean.
When I was done, no blood could be seen!
Later that day, the cops came to call.
I greeted them kindly, brought them into the hall.
My neighbors complained of a shout in the night;
It was mine! I told them, the result of a fright.
The old man was gone, but all was well.
In his bedroom, we sat to chat for a spell.
But as we talked, I heard a ker-thump…
And then a ker-thump and a bippity-bump.
Louder and louder...from my chair I did jump.
In my pants I took a quick dump.
“Pry up the floorboards and take me away!”
I’m really not crazy...no matter what you say!
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